Their will be an intensive 90 days of the program that focuses on accelerating the adoption of
the basics of mindset, nutrition, stress/tension reduction, self love, compassion, and care habits that are the foundation of your personal growth.
I work with a ton of people (85% of them are busy mom’s) that have been putting everyone else’s needs before their own! They are exhausted, burnt out, uncomfortable in their bodies, frustrated with their life situation, and hate lashing out on the ones they love, and they don't know how to change it.
It is very counter-intuitive for many of us to focus on ourselves when we have so many other responsibilities and people that need our attention. However, I have seen it time and time again, client after client, adopt and trust this process and become a better mom, dad, wife, husband, family member, coworker, etc… because they PUT THERE OWN OXYGEN MASK ON FIRST!
If you don’t put your oxygen mask on first (aka make yourself the # 1
priority) then you can never be the best most authentic version of yourself for all the people you love, serve, and care for on a daily basis.
This is not SELFISH, it is imperative for you to survive, not burn out, thrive
and show up more intentionally, happy, rested, and 100% engaged in the people and things that you love.
Does this mean you can’t help and serve others? No Way!
I recommend you keep helping others, and just make sure your self care needs come first.
Will this be easy? NO.
Will it be 100% worth it? HELL YES!
This is all about balancing others needs with your own.
You are Valuable!
You are Worth it!
You are Strong!
You make a Difference!
You are ENOUGH!
So we are going to teach you how to start showing up for YOU.
And make keeping promises to yourself a priority.
When you put your oxygen mask on first you will be so much better at taking action to improve your mindset, nutrition, movement, environment,
career, lifestyle, etc…, so you can start living the life you truly want to LIVE!
Of course it all starts with committing to invest in yourself and put your oxygen mask on first!